Accessibility statement
Stokab is the publisher of this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the site. In this statement, we describe how complies with the Digital Public Service Accessibility Act, any known accessibility issues and how you can report shortcomings to us so we can fix them.

I den här redogörelsen beskriver vi hur uppfyller lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service, eventuella kända tillgänglighetsproblem och hur du kan rapportera brister till oss så att vi kan åtgärda dem.
How accessible is the website?
We are aware that sections of the website are not fully accessible. Inaccessible sections are described in more detail on the Swedish page.
What can you do if you can't use sections of the website?
If you need content from the website that is not available to you, but is excluded from the scope of the law, you can email Stokab via You usually get an answer within a week.
You can also contact us via our switchboard at +46 (0)8-508 30 200 and ask for someone at the Communication Unit.
Report shortcomings in website availability
We constantly strive to improve the accessibility of the website. If you notice problems that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we do not meet the requirements of the law, you can email us at so that we know that the problem exists.
The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervising the Digital Public Service Accessibility Act. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your comments, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government to complain about it by email or by phone +46 (0)771-11 44 00.
Technical information about website availability
This website is not in compliance with the Digital Public Service Accessibility Act.
Inaccessible sections are described in more detail on the Swedish page.