Customer information
A collection of useful information and common terms when you do business with Stokab.

Connection Report
If you order dark fibre from Stokab you will always receive a connection report. It contains the total length of the connection, as well as the measured attenuation value. Read more about our Technical information.
Maps - documentation
If you would like map documentation, we are able to supply a map with a rough sketch of the route the fibre takes in PDF format. Stokab does not supply map files in KMZ format.
Master Agreement
A customer can enter into a Master Agreement with Stokab. This Agreement enables you to submit orders without entering a new agreement for each order, thus shortening the handling process.
Fees and invoices
Read more about this in Business guidelines.
Neutral Node
A Stokab node where many different customers can terminate fibre connections within a premises. The customer is responsible for the inhouse cabling to the required location in the property.
Stokab installs an accesspoint for you at the location in the property that you designate. The owner of the customer-ODF, decides who may lease fibre to this accesspoint.
The premises has one or more Stokab nodes. The price of the dark fibre that terminates in two onnet nodes is a fixed non-recurring fee and a rental fee based on the linear distance ("as the crow flies") between the addresses.
The premises is not connected to the Stokab network. The price of the dark fibre that terminates in one or both offnet nodes is a non-recurring fee that will be calculated by Stokab to reflect the costs of building a node(s) and a rental fee based on the linear distance ("as the crow flies") between the addresses.
Contact us
Please feel free to contact us at any time – your connection is only a phone call away
With the world’s largest open fibre network at our disposal, we can quickly and easily make arrangements to meet your specific fibre needs. All you need to get started is a VAT-number.