Tomorrow’s opportunities are available in Stockholm today!
For 25 years, we have been building, maintaining and leasing fibre connections in what is now the world’s largest neutral fibre network. With more than 6,600 km of dark fibre, around 23,000 connection points and nodes for installations, we have created the best fibre network coverage in Stockholm.

One dot on the map is an ODF with as many strands of fibre as there are apartments and/or businesses located in the building – times two - plus a bit extra…
Our fine-mesh network is well developed and reaches 90 percent of households and 99 percent of the commercial buildings within the greater Stockholm area. Apartment blocks and commercial properties are connected to the network, along with other locations in the Stockholm region.
As a Stokab customer, the smart services of the future are already within your reach.
Customise your own network solution

With our network and knowledge and experience, you have the possibility to customise your network solutions for your customers: between your own locations, from customer to data centre/cloud, from edge to cloud, from IoT device to server, as intranet between business locations, or directly to supplier sites. Our seven large switching-points are also locations where our fibre customers meet and exchange traffic and services.
You simply lease the stretch of dark fibre you need, and then arrange the fibre as if the network were your own.
Edge and 5G are already a reality with our network

With Stokab’s network structure and the close proximity of our nodes, it is already possible to use all forms of edge solutions for processing and management of data far out into the network. For example, the design of our fibre network facilitates the establishment of small data centres within, or close to, the street environment, while also providing the possibility to reach large data centres over longer distances. Our dark fibre network is compatible with all types of operating technology, regardless of future requirements. The fibre is made from glass and it is the active termination equipment that determines the speed at which the fibre traffic can operate.
Stokab’s existing fibre network is currently being used to test the next advancement in technology after 5G: quantum communication.
We increase the network capacity according to your needs

Our network is growing where Stockholm is growing, although we also have the possibility to increase the fibre capacity in locations where our network already exists. Stokab is always involved when new residential areas and city districts are being built or developed. For us, access to fibre is just as obvious and important of a service as access to electricity and water. Thanks to our owner, the City of Stockholm, you can also feel safe in the knowledge that we are a long-term, secure and stable business partner.
Together with your business idea, we are ready to help realise the City of Stockholm’s ambition of making Stockholm the world’s smartest and most connected city by 2040.
Contact us
If you want to know more about our products, please feel free to contact our Account Managers.