Stokab Point to point
The Point to Point product is a fibre pair connected between two points (ODF's) of your choice. Point to Point lets you design your own network solution between two or more points.
Read more about Stokab Point to pointStokab has established its fibre network exclusively within the greater Stockholm area. The map below shows where Stokab is able to supply dark fibre network.
The network stretches from Norrtälje in north to Nynäshamn in south. We also provide fibre optic connections to and from networks in Enköping, Västerås, Eskilstuna, Strängnäs and Södertälje, and to several islands in the Stockholm archipelago.
Stokab's fibre network is composed of nodes and cross connect switches. If you order a dark fibre between two existing premises, the fibre will always pass a number of cross-connections.
At anytime during the request for quote it is possible to request an estimated value for the attenuation of the accessline.
Schematic sketch of how the rental fee is based on the linear distance (”as the crow flies”) between the addresses
If you want to know more about our products, please feel free to contact our Account Managers.
The Point to Point product is a fibre pair connected between two points (ODF's) of your choice. Point to Point lets you design your own network solution between two or more points.
Read more about Stokab Point to pointOver the years, our fibre network has evolved to have a high density between the distribution points (the ODF's). The network is built with underground ducts and fibre cable drawn in a sub-conduit in the duct, with the highest quality in all parts.
Read more about Stokabs network structureStokab is a city network based on the mission to build, lease out and maintain a robust and accessible dark fibre network for companies in Stockholm.
Find out more about the citynetwork of Stockholm