Network structure
Through Stokab, Stockholm has one of the world's largest dark fibre city networks. For more than 25 years, the network has been expanded, densified and configured to fit different kinds of access points. Every year, we invest around SEK 200 million in further developing the network, which is the basis for electronic communication for almost every sector of society.

A fine-meshed and secure network
Over the years, our dark fibre network has evolved to have a high density between the distribution points (the ODF's). The network is built with underground ducts and fibre cable drawn in a sub-conduit in the duct, with the highest quality in all parts. The construction method itself provides extensive security and prevents most forms of physical impact.
Always an alternative fibre route
The density of the fibre network allows for large variations in fibre connection between different points and makes it possible to reroute a connection in case of a service interruption. It also creates almost unique possibilities to reach a point with completely different fibre routes, known as full diversity. All of the ODF's in our fibre network can be accessed from all other ODF's in the network - the flexibility is extensive.
Monitored 24 hours a day
The fibre network is also robust: operational monitoring and fault resolution take place 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We are proud of the reliability of the network and it is constantly evolving.
What is darkfibre?
Dark fibre is not a technology, but a so-called passive infrastructure with fibre optic cables without connected equipment at the ends. The cable is thereby dark, i.e. shut down, and hence the name. Communication through the fibre, which is made of glass, is based on light being sent through the fibre.
Contact us
Please feel free to contact us at any time – your connection is only a phone call away.
With the world’s largest open fibre network at our disposal, we can quickly and easily make arrangements to meet your specific fibre needs. All you need to get started is a company ID number – contact our friendly staff to help you!